About Gary Kachadurian

Gary Kachadurian

With his trusted Nikon camera and lenses in hand, Gary Kachadurian has traveled around the world capturing wildlife and landscapes in their most natural state. Whether hiking near Cape Wrath on the north coast of Scotland, biking through Prague or capturing the freezing morning splendor of the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone's winter, Gary presents his favorite images for your enjoyment.

He purposefully does minimal digital altering to the original image taken, instead preferring to record for our eyes exactly what movement a bear made when catching a salmon, the color created by a flower's position to the sun, or the gleam in the smiling eye of a Chilean gaucho. After all, the art of photography includes capturing a special moment which will never be duplicated again.

All the photographs, notecards and "Writer's Journal" in this web collection are available for purchase. Prints are offered as "print only" as the choice of matte and frame are generally a matter of personal preference and room decor.

Here's to Nature-the most interesting and diverse group of actors and actresses on the world's beautiful stage!